Thursday, December 12, 2019

Primary Aim of Euro Tunnel Group †Free Samples for Students

Question: What Is the Primary Aim of Euro Tunnel Group? Answer: Introducation The primary aim of Euro Tunnel group is to maintain their entire business Management process through transport services under the cross channel fixed link between Britain and France. The entire study thus aims to make a critical analysis the scopes to form the voids in the materials that are used in the tunnels (Mackey and Gass 2015). After identifying an effective research objective, the research work aims to complete the study with the help of using appropriate research methodologies. Research philosophy: Positivism philosophy has been used in this specific study due to the several reasons. Positivism philosophy enables an individual to conduct the entire research by using constant and repeated observation. Observation is highly important in order to analyze the research issue acutely. This particular philosophy has made the entire study systematic as the entire research work is highly based on philosophical approaches. Apart from positivism philosophy, the other form of research philosophy includes realism and interpretivism. Among various types of philosophical approaches positivism philosophy is not that much cost effective as well as time consuming (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault 2015). As a result, an individual does not have to face difficulties in accomplishing the entire research work effectively. Research Approach: Research approach is primarily based on two types including inductive research approach and deductive research approach. This particular study has decided to use deductive research approach due to its capability of in-depth analysis. Deductive research approach tends to evaluate data and information by using case study analysis (Flick 2015). In this specific study, an effective case study has been conducted on how the Euro tunnels have to face innumerable challenges in working with the drainage system. With the help of deductive approach along with positivism philosophy, the entire data has been analyzed. Research design: Among three primary types of research design process such as descriptive research design, elplanatory research design and exploratory research design this specific study has focused to use descriptive research design. The concept of descriptive research design is inseparably related with positivism philosophy (Panneerselvam 2014). After making a keen observation on the research issue, this particular study decides to make an in-depth analysis by describing the numerous variable factors of research issue. Therefore, this particular research design is most appropriate for making an in-depth analysis of the research issue from every perspective. Data collection method: Among the entire classifications of research methodologies, the significance of data collection procedure is most prominent. In order to make an entire research paper informative the contribution of this specific research methodology is undeniable. Data collection method is the systematic technique of gathering necessary data and information by utilizing the numerous sources (Reynolds et al. 2014). Data collection procedure is of two types primarily that include primary source of data collection procedure and secondary source of data collection procedure. Primary source of data collection procedure is the method that enables the data collector to gather information by using survey and interview methods. In primary source of data collection procedure, both the participants and data analysts get the scope to make an interpersonal communication for getting immediate feedback from the participants. This particular data collection procedure is very much relevant to gather an immediate response from the participants. On the other hand, secondary source of data collection technique is analytical (Miller et al. 2012). The sources of secondary data collection technique include books, journals, magazines, web pages, online sites and so many. In this specific form of data collection procedure, the data analysts do not get direct scope to communicate with the participants. However, in this specific study, primary source of data collection procedure has been selected. With the help of using both qualitative and quantitative data analysis procedure sufficient information has been gathered from various sources. Total 50 employees from the Euro tunnel group have been involved in order to receive necessary response from them. An effective survey method has been arranged by preparing few questionnaires. The participants are instructed to respond on those questionnaires that are very much relevant to the research topic. At the same time, five managers from Euro tunnel group have also been selected (Gale et al. 2013). The primary responsibility of those managers is to express their own point of view on how they have to face challenges in maintaining regular drainage mechanism to cover any small amount of water leakage. By interacting with the employees as well as with the managers, the data analyst got the scope to make a direct interaction with the respondent s that leaves a positive reflection on the mind of participants. While collecting quantitative data collection the data analysts have used various statistical tools for calculating mean, median and mode. At the same time, co-relation and regression analysis has also been conducted while collecting necessary data and information. Therefore, entire data collection procedure has become chronological and systematic. Sampling techniques: Sampling technique is the systematic method of collecting data from a specific number of groups among entire population. In order to accomplish the entire research successfully every data analyst has to use sampling technique to collect necessary responses. Sampling technique however is constituted with two major types that include probability sampling technique and non-probability sampling technique (Snyder 2012). Probability sampling technique is the random method that enables an individual to collect data from a large number of respondents. On the other hand, the use of non-probability sampling technique is completely different. Non-probability sampling technique intends to involve the people of specific number of groups who are directly involved within the research issue. For this particular study however, non-probability sampling technique has been used due to several reasons. Non-probability sampling technique is the systematic procedure with the help of which the data analysts has involved the specific number of employees and managers from Euro tunnel group (John Kuada 2012). As a result, the analysts have received intact and necessary information from the participants as they are directly related to the research topic. Therefore, the use of non-probability sampling technique in accomplishing the entire research work is undeniable. Expected discussion of the result: The entire research has tried to use best methodological tools that can enable an individual to complete the entire paper successfully. Therefore, the expected outcome of the research work is positive. At the same time, it is undeniable that every research work is possessed with some of its negative effects as well. This particular research is not exceptional to that. In the data collection procedure the researcher could have used hypothesis testing in order to make the entire research work more accurate. The data could have been collected more systematically after using hypothesis testing. However, despite having some of the major negative effects this particular research is not devoid of positive outcome. Limitation of the research methods: The entire research methodology is possessed with some of its major limitations. At the initial stage, the researcher has used positivism philosophy for evaluating necessary data. The entire study could have been more reliable and systematic if the data analyst focused on using post positivism philosophy. Post positivism philosophy is based on observation along with tits relevant evidences. Only observation is not sufficient enough for conducting an entire research work. On the other hand, the researcher has involved only 50 employees in the survey method for collecting data and information. The number of sample size could have been more than fifty so that sufficient information can be gathered for collecting necessary data. At the same time, it is also undeniable that the entire research work is only based on primary source of data collection procedure. The primary source of data collection is possessed with major drawbacks as well. In this data collection technique, the participants are involved for gathering responses. As a result, some of the participants tend to provide biased response that hampers the entire data collection method. On the other hand, secondary data analysis is not dependent on the response of an individual. Therefore, the data of secondary method has been collected from various authentic journals, newspaper articles, magazines and websites and so on. Therefore, the researcher does not have to wait on the response of participants only. Ethical consideration: In order to conduct a particular research based on the research issue an individual has to follow ethics, values and culture. While collecting data and information the participants cannot be forced to provide necessary information. Their spontaneous response is highly appreciable for conducting the research work. On the other hand, after collecting necessary data and information the researcher is not allowed to leak those data without any consent of that person. Data protection act has to be maintained strictly while collecting necessary information from various sources. The entire research has to be very much systematic and reliable. Data collected from various sources should have an accuracy and reference authenticity. As a result, the research issue can get a final solution at the very end of this study. Reference List: Flick, U., 2015.Introducing researchManagement : A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. 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